Saturday, September 14, 2013

A different kind of Pick your Own

“Raisins are healthy, and they are inexpensive, and some people may even find them delicious. But they are rarely considered helpful.” 
 Lemony Snicket, The Miserable Mill

You know how it is, normal everyday things you don't ever think much about because you just "know", and they're there, like the fact that raisins are just dried up grapes. Well, to give an indication of just how hot and dry things are here in California's Central Valley - I went to pick some of the grapes from the vine in my sister's backyard, and found I was also picking my own raisins!. Beautifully sweet, fresh and sun-warm, they were quite delicious.

Raisins - straight off the vine!

The next task was deciding what to do with the bowlful of very ripe grapes, so out came the Power Juicer. As someone who doesn't spend much time in the kitchen, having such handy gadgets to assist in any kind of food preparation is something you certainly appreciate! However, having friends who do know their way around a kitchen, always producing some amazing dish or another, I have learnt the importance of also photographing the food - albeit in this instance, it may only be the humble grape!

The result of these labours was 3 jars of rather tasty, pure organic grape juice. I can understand why grapes have been known as the Foods of the Gods - and I'm sure the ancient Gods sure would have loved a Power Juicer, too! The climate here certainly allows great opportunity for a huge variety of fruit and vegetables - but for the home gardener you do have to choose carefully as (rain) water is certainly not something anyone here takes for granted. Much as we bemoan the rain in New Zealand, it sure beats the parched earth conditions here in San Joaquin County.The weather forecast predicts rain at the end of next week though - but unless it's on the same scale as what has fallen in  and around Boulder, Colorado this week (12 inches in less than 24 hours!), it's unlikely to leave a lasting impression around here.

Our lovely pure organic grape juice

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